Kung Fu Panda 2
"Po, you must go to Gongmen City with the
Furious Five," said Shifu. "You must stop Shen."
"But I can't fight a cannon with kang fu!"said
Po.He was frightened.
"If you are calm, you can do it,"said Shifu.
But Po wasn't calm. He was sad and angry
about his mum.
Po who lives in China is a Panda. He and his comrades who are angry with the villian are going to stop Shen who is a leader of villian and killed Master Rhino who was the best kung fu fighter in Gongmen City. He trains under the guidance of Master Shifu who is his mentor in Jade Palace. But Po stop to fight when he look at red eyes of enemys, because he remenbers his mum.
Will he stop Shen ?
croc クロコダイル
frighten 怖がらせる
furious 怒り狂った
peacock クジャク
rule 支配する
Beddall.F. (2011). Kung Fu Panda 2 (Popcorn ELT Readers, Level 3).London,UK: Scholastic.
Wordcount: 1126.
"But I can't fight a cannon with kang fu !"said
返信削除Po.He was frightened.
"But I can't fight a cannon with kung fu!" said
Po. He was frightened.
Beddall.F. (2011). Kung Fu Panda 2 (Popcorn ELT Readers, Level 3).London,
返信削除UK: Schotlastic. >
Beddall, F. (2011). Kung Fu Panda 2 (Popcorn ELT Readers, Level 3). London,
UK: Scholastic.
He do training >
返信削除He does training OR
He trains
Po who live in China >
返信削除Po who lives in China