
The Owl and the Pussycat

The Owl and the Pussycat

The Owl looked up to the stars above and sang to a small guitar.
Oh lovely Pussy! Oh Pussy my love....
What a beautiful Pussy you are , you are,what a beautiful Pussy you are.
Pussy said to the Owl, you elegant fowl, how charmingly sweet you sing.
The Owl and the Pussycat went to sea in a beautiful pea-green boat. They took some honey and plenty of money that is wrapped up in afive pound note.
They had been sailind away for a year and a day to make search a rind that they need for marrying.
Will they be able to find a ring and get married?


runcible 三叉スプーン
mince 気取って
dine 食事をする
shilling シリング(貨幣単位)
willing (することを)いとわない
bong ゴーンと鳴る
tarry とどまる
fowl 鶏


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